Food Animal Services
We focus on beef cattle production medicine but treat all breeds of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs. We also treat pet camelids (llamas and alpacas) and poultry.
Herd Health: We offer pregnancy testing using ultrasonography, herd vaccinations, calf processing including castration, vaccination and implanting, brucellosis vaccination, and bull fertility testing. These services can be performed at your farm or we can work small groups of animals at our clinic. We can perform herd testing for disease screening, such as Johne's Disease, Brucellosis and Tuberculosis.
Our veterinarian can design a herd health program to fit the needs of your particular herd. This can be done at the time of your herd visit or you may schedule an appointment to meet with a staff veterinarian at our clinic. The consult will be charged at our regular hourly rate.
Sickness exams: We offer examinations and treatment for a variety of medical conditions on an appointment or emergency basis. We are capable of hospitalizing animals for treatment and have a special calf treatment area for neonatal calves with diarrhea and other conditions.
Obstetrical services: We are capable of handling a variety of calving emergencies. We can perform Caesarian sections and fetotomies to treat difficult calvings. We can also treat calving related problems such as vaginal prolapses, uterine prolapses, mastitis, retained placenta, and uterine infections. Most of these services are performed within the clinic.
Lameness services: We have a special tip table for treating cattle foot problems and performing hoof trims. This allows us to safely work on the feet without the need to sedate the animal.
Laboratory: Our in-house laboratory facilities provide for serum chemistry, hematology, urinalysis and parasite testing. We also utilize commercial veterinary laboratories for specialized diagnostics and consultations.
Interstate & International Movement: We provide veterinary inspections and health certificates for movement of cattle and other food animals outside the borders of North Dakota. Our veterinarians are accredited to perform the necessary testing and documentation needed for movement to other states, Canada and beyond. It is best to prepare for movement several weeks ahead of time, so that we can prepare for the needs of your destination. We also have one staff veterinarian who can perform brand inspections for sale or movement of livestock.
Nutrition: We can provide consultation for your herd's nutritional needs for all life stages. Our veterinarians can discuss and custom tailor a nutritional program for your herd's needs. This can be done at the time of a herd visit or you may schedule a consult at our clinic. The consult will be charged at our regular hourly rate.
Fully Stocked Pharmacy: We maintain a complete inventory of pharmaceuticals, vaccines and dewormers/insecticides for cattle. We can also special order items for the particular needs of your livestock.